October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020 Margaret

Poems to touch the heart and trigger a smile

Well, it’s about to happen – a New Year’s resolution being fulfilled, better late than never, I know.  It must have something to do with hitting a big birthday this year. You can’t let the year of a big birthday go by, can you, without pushing yourself out of your comfort zone a bit!

That’s why I’m going to do some lunchtime poetry readings over the next few weeks, pandemic permitting, of course. They’ll be based on Freewheeling Up The Hill, the collection that became available on Amazon last year. It will be by way of a little launch and a bit of fun also during what is usually a joyful Festival time in Wexford. Some new work will be added in also, for good measure.

Music too

There will be a mixture of themes and tempos in the readings from the light-hearted to the serious, I promise. Because music is wrapped up in many of the poems Ian Barry, a Wexford singer/songwriter is going to accompany me with some of them. That means there will be a splash of music to enrich the mix, so to speak.

The main event will be in Wexford Arts Centre on Sunday, October 25th and livestreaming via Zoom is planned for that venue also.  That should be set up soon.  More anon.

Wexford Arts Centre is handling the in-theatre booking for all three venues which is great and everything will be done according to HSE Covid Guidelines for Productions, of course. I know, we’re all living in strange times but it’s good to switch off from all the stress sometimes, while following regulations at the same time, of course. That’s in order to feed the soul. I know that’s what doing anything creative helps me do.

If you can make one of the events or Zoom in from afar you will be most welcome.

P.S. Ewa from has designed a lovely poster – it’s great to have her help, as always, and Ian’s work can be heard on  He will be playing guitar and bouzouki.


If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me