Deny Me Not
“You knew my mother better than that…”
“I don’t know what you’re intimating, girl, but I’d watch what I was saying if I were you.”
Born in a 1960s mother and baby home Hannah Casey has never known her father but when her mother finally discloses his name she is determined to confront him.
Her search takes her into the rural community of Rathbrandon where her arrival impacts dramatically on arrogant landowner Abe Stephenson; on his unsuspecting wife, Florrie, and on the relatives who think that only they should inherit his property.
Will Hannah survive the battle and will the truth really set anyone free?
Set in 2004 Deny Me Not is a story about chickens coming home to roost, the nature of love and greed and of how secrets revealed have the power to knock a world sideways.
I read it in two days – Author Suzanne Power
A work of gripping substance – Wexford People
An intelligent page turner – Irish Examiner
A powerful modern book – Irish Country Living Magazine
If you’d like to read an excerpt of it click here
Here are some interesting links where you can read about Deny Me Not:
4. Metro Herald
5. Beginner’s Pluck. Interviewed by Sue Leonard. Published in the Irish Examiner, on 11th May
Please click here to listen the interview with Margaret Hawkins about Deny Me Not which was on South East Radio’s Morning Mix with Alan Corcoran on 4th April 2013.
To purchase a print copy, click here for Amazon.
To purchase for all other reading devices, go to this link and select your format.
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